Friday, November 30, 2007

Our poll

Alright.. we only had 8 entries on the poll.. 1 for Run, 1 for close the distance, and 6 for Remove their oneness.. which is correct. The first rule in a fight is to remove their oneness with you. This can be achieved by various methods... all you are doing is steering their focus off or you and onto something else.

For example you could use anticipatory techniques to move them into thinking something is going to happen, an attack is short in coming, or the like.. you can use sensory methods, like slapping your leg... and making a move like your are going to attack, thus setting up false timing in the fight... odd hand motions or movements can work well. What you are doing is not allowing them to "feel" you or see inside your head.

On site we will have on the members only page a document called "Mental Warrior", for download.. check that out in due time to discuss the actual scientific aspects of this question..

A new poll will be up shortly...

Master Peter Brusso

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