Students... check out the
asksensei blog for our stats on our weekly lessons.
We have been
putting up our weekly lessons and I have been floored by the response. I think that we now have a medium to show our art, to train people in our art, and to help artists become better warriors.
Warriorhood isn't a right, it isn't something you are born into, its something that you are taught to be, to
encompass and to embrace; if you have the right teachers. I think that this new medium,
podcasting, will allow us to push our ways out to others to work with. If they are good, they will continue and if they are poor.. they will die out.
Just like
Ninjutsu, a very old art, a practical art, one born from war... if the techniques taught to the ninja were poor, they didn't come back. They couldn't propagate the poor techniques so the art cleansed itself via combat.
This is like our blogging and
podcasting now as its a social medium, just like war. If the techniques and the teachings are good, people will comment, come back, and continue to learn. If they are bad.. they just won't return to it at all... so this is the face of social media and how it will play with the arts.
On another note: we or I am teaching again on Sunday mornings at 10 AM sharp. Its open to all so if you are interesting, come on by, sign a waiver.. and start learning to defend yourself. We are enjoying some very high level training lately, but will return to basics every Sunday so that belts can continue to be earned....
If you have a topic you would like to see me discuss or show techniques on that Sunday, for the weekly lessons show on please email them to me...
sensei@anjingbanfa.comMaster Peter