I have just uploaded a new article "
the three laws of handgun disarm", up on hub pages.com. I have been researching self-defense techniques and programs on the Internet and I have been just appalled by what I found. So I have taken it upon myself to start a
self defense set of articles that will cover my, broader definition of self-defense, then my constituents.
In this particular article I discuss the requirement that you disarm a handgun by the rules and not by luck. And most assuredly you don't put your shoes on your hands to protect yourself, as I saw one person do in a self-defense video, recently. What trash. I even saw another person decide to describe how you escape from me front choke, first by getting in a horse stance, and then starting to try to turn their arms off of your neck and then once you're successful to strike them in the head with a hammer fist.
Again what rubbish. It's very clear that person had never been attacked in her life. I can guarantee you that if somebody's going to choke you from the front, they're going to shake that the Be-Jesus out of you, and push you against the closest wall to knock you out. All in the meantime you're trying to get into a horse stance. What a horrifying advice is being given on the Internet about self-defense.
I'm a firm believer that not only should you be able to
disarm almost any type of weapon but that you should be able to, in your own self-defense, utilize that weapon to protect yourself. Therefore, I have started a series of articles that will explore, from the top down, a broader concept of
martial arts and or
self defense such that, who knows, I may actually start a trend here. God for bid.
Anyway back to the article. I cover the concepts of muzzle control in this article and then, from the disarm making sure that you give distance, and then finally ensuring that the weapon is loaded and ready for action. Please all my readers go take a look at this article plus the other articles I have placed up on Awarriorsway.com. Here is the head link...
Awarriorways article page Also here are the articles link at our new URL of
http://www.selfdefenseweaponsite.com and the articles are at
HereYou will also see that I have seriously upgraded many of the product and DVDs at Awarriorsway.com and
PDWS.Biz because I'm seriously trying to move our product out in both sales and in collective contribution to the world of martial arts and self-defense.
You'll also see that I have changed or interchange the name of the
defenders to
self defense weapon. This was done strategically as saying tag and as a keyword to assist us to increase the traffic to our site. Both sides will actually contain articles on
women's self-defense, as well as,
martial arts teaching and or training. I am trying to branch out our site being somewhat myopic to a site that offers more topic matter and education to other martial arts practitioners, teachers, and enthusiasts.