Well.. we have had some great times in Anjing Banfa this year. We started with the prep for the black belt test, then the test itself. The test was held down on the boarder of Mexico and the US. We were only 4.5 miles from the boarder in an active human and drug smuggling area. The team had a great time learning about man tracking, shooting and night operations. We had no accidents and just a whole lot of Anjing Banfa style experience. I am working on the videotape still! We had a combat camera guy with us who gave us some great footage. Some of the footage is up on http://asksensei.blip.tv/file/808368/
so if you reading this and have not seen it, its something you should go look at. It’s just a snippet in our weekly lesson.
I have asked another sensei type to write reviews of my material, from an outsiders point of view so you can see those on the site too. Here is a direct link to the page. http://www.anjingbanfa.com/Materials_Review_Page.html.
so if you reading this and have not seen it, its something you should go look at. It’s just a snippet in our weekly lesson.

Lately, as shown on our videos up on http://asksensei.blip.tv/ I have been concentrating on bring our fighting abilities up. We always move between 1/3 belt level material, 1/3 fighting, and 1/3 martial culture. Well, I have been more focused on the fighting part, but now we are starting to reach a reasonable capability, I will be moving back to our standard format. With that being said, I have also focused on knife on knife capabilities for our practitioners. So, more to come and I hope all of you are enjoying the lessons on Asksensei!
Master Peter Brusso